Covid-19 is having a devastating effect on many aspects of women’s life all around the world.
The April 2020 figures released by the World Travel and Tourism Council show that 100 million people are at immediate risk of losing their jobs globally: A third of them will be directly employed in travel and tourism; 60 percent of them will be women. This means upwards of 20 million women globally could be unemployed and without an income by the end of the summer.
Women have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Many are in low-paid roles, often at the mercy of zero‐hour or short‐term contracts. Those still working are trying to manage childcare and children’s education around business commitments. Those who are not are worried about whether their skills will be relevant in a post‐pandemic world.
Yet, women are very important to the travel industry, not only to fulfill essential jobs but also as consumers. It is women that make 80 percent of all household decisions. When travel and tourism activities eventually resume, women will be the ones making decisions about whether, where, how and with which operators and brands to travel as a family unit.
It is critical that women continue to engage with and work /progress within the travel and tourism industry so that when the crisis is over, they are ready to resume their work.
So how can women prepare themselves to survive the crisis, spot opportunity and thrive once on the other side? Three experts will discuss what is being done industry wide but also what individual can do to secure their future in industry. This will be a very practically focussed, solutions oriented session!
The social enterprise Women in Travel cic is hosting 3 panel debates that will explore the global impact of Covid-19 at first, generally and then, more specifically on women in the travel and tourism sector during.
This third webinar will feature
Jamie Lee Abtar – BAME Women in Travel & The Travel Marketer
Barbara Kolosinka – C&M Recruitment
Claire Steiner – HR & Talent Advisor
Moderated by Alessandra Alonso, Founder Women in Travel cic
This webinar is free. However they ask that, if able, you provide a donation to Women in Travel cic at this link. 100% of your donation will go towards supporting vulnerable women, providing training, mentoring and employment opportunities.
You can register for this event here!