The ‘other’ pandemic: The global impact of Covid-19 on women

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Covid-19 is having a devastating effect on many aspects of women’s life. United Nations research shows that COVID19 could reverse progress made towards gender equality and recommends ways to ensure women’s leadership in response efforts.
  • Nearly 60 per cent of women around the world work in the informal economy, earning less, saving less, and at greater risk of falling into poverty. As markets fall and businesses close, millions of women’s jobs have disappeared.
  • When it comes to education, worldwide, teen-age girls are losing access to education by not being able to attend school. According to UNESCO, out of the total population currently not at school due to Covid-19, 111 million are girls living in the least developed countries where getting an education is already a struggle.
  • During lockdown domestic violence has spiralled globally. The enforced quarantine has caused abusers and victims to be stuck together, with no places to go but greater anger/frustration and often alcohol consumption to deal with. As charitable organisations and community support groups are forced to shut down, women and children at risk have less opportunities find refuge.
  • Women make most of care workers, nurses and hospital staff. Women are working in their millions on the front line and thus are increasingly at risk to catch Covid-19 especially when protective equipment such as masks and gloves are lacking.
  • In lockdown, women have seen their unpaid care jobs increase dramatically. Whether they are working from home, or are not working, unpaid care work has increased exponentially as a result of school closures and the increased needs of older people.

So what is being done, what must be done to support women during this unprecedented crisis?

To discuss all this, social enterprise Women in Travel cic is hosting 3 panel debates that will explore the global impact of Covid-19 at first, generally and then, more specifically on women in the travel and tourism sector during (webinar 2 and webinar 3).

This first webinar will feature

Simon Gallow, Advocate, UN Women UK

Sonia Omar, Fundraising Manager, Education for All

Moderated by Alessandra Alonso, Founder Women in Travel cic

This webinar is free. However they ask that, if able, you provide a donation to UN Women at this link. 100% of your donation will go to support the work undertaken by UN Women (UK) to keep women safe!


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